CRE Details
CRE Identifier:
Title of CRE:
Change to NGSS external volume allocations
CRE Class:
Accepted for Implementation
CRE Owner
Kjetil DohlenSharepoint Link
CRE Folder (SharePoint)
Affected Documents listed in CRE
New/Updated Documents listed in CRE
No New Documents Listed!CRE Notes
- 2024-05-20 VFW: Created CRE for HRM-DWG-200000-0000-01, NGSS space envelope and HRM-DWG-512000-0000-00, NGSS Cabinets Envelope. Kjetil notified.
- 2024-06-03 VFW: Kjetil requested change of title to Change to NGSS external volume allocation, this has now been done.
- 2024-06-26 VFW: ICD between ESE and cabinets have been updated and included in CRE along with drawings/links as requested by Fraser.
- VFW 2024-09-05: Will be reviewed at CCB on 10 Sep, FCl requested that stakeholders check that they are happy with the volume changes.
- VFW 2024-09-09: Jamie emailed that ok with ISS, The ISS and CARS volumes need to be updated as there is a clash, but only with the volumes, not physical structure. Beth happy with updated volumes / interfaces for the cabinets. Anne emailed that space around tope end and side is tricky but no show stopper.
- FC 2024-09-10 : Discussed at CCB and accepted for implementation.
- 2024-10-30 VFW: Completed Section 3 Change Implementation and sent to Kjetil to check.
- 2024-12-12 VFW: Wait for CARS DAR number from John or James and will then circulate implmentation table to stakeholders.