CRE Details
CRE Identifier:
Title of CRE:
VSDS requirements update
CRE Class:
Implemented and Closed
CRE Owner
Anna MacIverSharepoint Link
CRE Folder (SharePoint)
Affected Documents listed in CRE
New/Updated Documents listed in CRE
Resource Identifier Version Document Name Main Author Status More Info PDF Link HRM-00246 3 Not found in the Database     CRE Notes
- 04/23 : Liz approved.
- 07/23: Mech guidelines (HRM-01101) added - Liz agreed.
- 06/24: FC chased Matthias for review/approval.
- 2024-06-26 VFW: Matthias reviewed and approved.
- 2024-07-01 VFW: Reviewed by both Anna Mac and Liz, Fraser has Accepted for Implementation.
- 2024-07-09 VFW: CCB Review, Anna advised that These are fairly simple and will be pushed through quickly. Meenu helping with DOORS aspect of the CRE.
- VFW 2024-09-04: Meenu iimlemented changes in DOORS. Amended adjustment range in ISDM requirements from +/- 3mm to 3mm.
- FC 09/09/24 : Draft doc updated on sharepoint.