Resource Identifier |
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ESO-254547 | 3 | Common Requirements for E-ELT Instruments | NA | Released | | |
ESO-257872 | 2 | HARMONI (E-ELT IFU) Technical Specification | NA | Released | | |
ESO-264460 | 2 | Consortia Agreement Data List for HARMONI (E-ELT IFU) | NA | Released | | |
ESO-264642 | 2 | E-ELT Instrument Control System Common Requirements | NA | Obsolete | | |
ESO-287079 | 1 | ELT Instrument Adaptive Optics Real-Time Computer Common Requirements | NA | Obsolete | | |
ESO-264642 | 2 | E-ELT Instrument Control System Common Requirements | NA | Obsolete | | |
ESO-320983 | 3 | ICD between the Network Equipment and its Clients | NA | Released | | |
HRM-00378 | 3 | HARMONI LTAO AOCS User Requirements | NA | Released | | |
HRM-00379 | 2D3 | HARMONI SCAO RTC User Requirements | Thierry Fusco, ONERA / LAM | Draft | | |
HRM-00248 | 1 | Instrument Software Management Plan | Marie Larrieu, IRAP | Released | | |
HRM-00270 | 1 | Instrument Software Functional Specification | Marie Larrieu, IRAP | Released | | |
HRM-00267 | 2 | NGSS System Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released | | |
HRM-00300 | 2 | LOWFS Pick-Off Arm Module Design and Analysis | Javier Piqueras Lopez, CAB (INTA-CSIC) | Released | | |
HRM-00683 | 1D4 | HARMONI ICS Software User Requirements | Arlette Pecontal, CRAL | Draft | | |
HRM-00177 | 2 | IFS Cryostat Requirements Specification | Naomi Dobson, UK ATC | Released | | |
HRM-00182 | 2 | IFS Rotator and Wrap Requirements Specification | Naomi Dobson, UK ATC | Released | | |
HRM-00197 | 1D3 | Control System Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Draft | | |
HRM-00296 | 1 | Instrument Control Electronics Sub-System Design and Analysis | Jose Vicente Gigante (IAC) | Released | | |
HRM-00270 | 1 | Instrument Software Functional Specification | Marie Larrieu, IRAP | Released | | |
HRM-00512 | 2 | AOCS Design and Analysis Report | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released | | |