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HRM-00114 | 2 | HARMONI Operational Concept Definition | Matthias Tecza, University of Oxford | Released |
HRM-00161 | 2 | Technical Budget Allocations | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Released |
HRM-00292 | 3 | HARMONI Instrument Calibration Plan | Javier Piqueras Lopez, CAB (INTA-CSIC) | Released |
HRM-00629 | 1 | NGSS and FPRS Environmental Conditions | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00114 | 2D11 | HARMONI Operational Concept Definition | Matthias Tecza, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00170 | 2 | LGSS Requirements Specification | Anne Costille, LAM | Released |
HRM-00497 | 1 | LGSS Detector Module Requirements Specification | Anne Costille, LAM | Released |
HRM-00267 | 2 | NGSS System Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00171 | 2 | LOWFS Subsystem and POA and LOW Modules Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00172 | 2 | LOB Module Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00173 | 2 | SCAOS Sub-System Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00230 | 2 | ESE Subsystem Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00269 | 2 | HCM Subsystem Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00667 | 1 | ISB Subsystem Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00264 | 2 | Calibration and Relay System Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Released |
HRM-00190 | 2 | Integral Field Spectrograph Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00177 | 2 | IFS Cryostat Requirements Specification | Naomi Dobson, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00178 | 2 | IFS Pre-Optics Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00179 | 2 | IFS Integral Field Unit Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00180 | 2 | IFS Spectrograph Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00245 | 2 | Infrared Science Detector Sub-System Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00246 | 2 | Visible Science Detector Sub-System Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Expired |
HRM-00220 | 2 | LTAO Analysis Report | Benoit Neichel, LAM | Released |
HRM-00292 | 1 | HARMONI Instrument Calibration Plan | Santiago Arribas, CAB (INTA-CSIC) | Obsolete |
HRM-00338 | 1 | HARMONI Reliability Analysis | Andy Born (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Released |
HRM-00385 | 1D5 | H-LTAO Technical Requirement Specification | Joel Vernet (ESO, Garching) | Obsolete |
HRM-00170 | 1 | LGSS Requirements Specification | Anne Costille (LAM, Marseille) | Obsolete |
HRM-00267 | 1 | NGSS Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00172 | 1 | LNGS Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Obsolete |
HRM-00173 | 1 | SCAO Sub-System Requirements Specification | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Obsolete |
HRM-00318 | 1 | SCAO Sub-system Design and Analysis | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Released |
HRM-00230 | 1 | NGSS Support Structure Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00269 | 1 | High Contrast Module Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00174 | 1 | Calibration Module Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00175 | 1 | Focal Plane Relay Sub-System Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00218 | 1 | Instrument Static Structure Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00190 | 1 | Integral Field Spectrograph Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00278 | 1 | IR Science Detectors Reliability Information | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00279 | 1 | VIS Science Detectors Reliability Information | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00197 | 1D3 | Control System Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Draft |
HRM-00683 | 1D4 | HARMONI ICS Software User Requirements | Arlette Pecontal, CRAL | Draft |
HRM-00784 | 0D3 | HARMONI Science Software User Requirements | Arlette Pecontal, CRAL | Draft |
HRM-00752 | 1D1 | Data Reduction Library Validation and Test | NA | Draft |
HRM-00506 | 1D7 | LDM Camera Requirements Specification | Anne Costille, LAM | Draft |
HRM-00170 | 2D1 | LGSS System Requirements Specification | Anne Costille (LAM, Marseille) | Obsolete |
HRM-00497 | 1D1 | LGSS Detector Module Requirements Specification | Zoltan Hubert, IPAG | Obsolete |
HRM-00299 | 2 | LOWFS Reliability Information | Javier Piqueras Lopez, CAB (INTA-CSIC) | Released |
HRM-00300 | 2 | LOWFS Pick-Off Arm Module Design and Analysis | Javier Piqueras Lopez, CAB (INTA-CSIC) | Released |
HRM-00172 | 1 | LTAO NGS Module Requirement Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00173 | 2D1 | SCAO Sub-System Requirements Specification | Jean-Francois Sauvage, ONERA / LAM | Draft |
HRM-00318 | 2D5 | SCAO Sub-System Design and Analysis | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Draft |
HRM-00269 | 2D1 | High Contrast Module Requirements Specification | Alexis Carlotti, IPAG | Obsolete |
HRM-00659 | 2D2 | NGSS Internal Support Bench Design & Analysis Report | Kjetil Dohlen, LAM | Draft |
HRM-00174 | 2D3 | Calibration Module Requirements Specification | NA | Obsolete |
HRM-00175 | 2D3 | FPRS Requirements Specification | Patrick Smith, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00292 | 2 | HARMONI Calibration Plan | Javier Piqueras Lopez, CAB (INTA-CSIC) | Obsolete |
HRM-00629 | 2 | NGSS and FPRS Environmental Conditions | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Released |
HRM-00209 | 3D4 | HARMONI Interface Control Dossier | NA | Draft |
HRM-00306 | 2D5 | CARS ISS Design and Analysis Report | James Carruthers, UK ATC | Draft |
HRM-01036 | 1D1 | ISS Mechanical FEA | James Carruthers, UK ATC | Draft |
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HRM-00200 | 2 | System Design and Analysis Report | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Released |
HRM-00145 | 2 | HARMONI Systems Engineering Management Plan | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00200 | 1 | System Design and Analysis Report | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00171 | 1 | LOWFS Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00334 | 1 | NGSS Support Structure Design And Analysis | David Montgomery, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00339 | 1 | NGSS Support Structure MAIT plan | David Montgomery, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00340 | 1 | NGSS Support Structure Reliability Analysis | David Montgomery, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00327 | 1 | FPRS Subsystem Design And Analysis | David Henry, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00347 | 1 | IFS Design and Analysis Report | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00287 | 1 | Cryostat Sub-System Design and Analysis | Angus Gallie (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Obsolete |
HRM-00351 | 1 | Cryostat Sub-System Reliability Information | Angus Gallie (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Obsolete |
HRM-00322 | 1 | Spectrograph Design and Analysis Report | Kieran O'Brien, Durham University | Expired |
HRM-00296 | 1 | Instrument Control Electronics Sub-System Design and Analysis | Jose Vicente Gigante (IAC) | Released |
HRM-00145 | 1 | HARMONI Systems Engineering Management Plan | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00334 | 2D2 | NGSS ESE Design & Analysis | NA | Draft |
HRM-00339 | 2D1 | NGSS Support Structure MAIT plan | NA | Draft |
HRM-00340 | 2D1 | NGSS ESE Reliability Analysis | NA | Draft |
HRM-00878 | 1 | ESE CDR Cabinet Support Analysis Report | NA | Released |
HRM-00879 | 1 | ESE Lifting Analysis Report | NA | Released |
HRM-00881 | 1 | ESE CDR Primary Analysis Report | NA | Released |
HRM-00884 | 1 | ESE CDR Analysis Report Cooldown Time | NA | Released |
HRM-00284 | 2D1 | High Contrast Subsystem Design & Analysis | NA | Draft |
HRM-00327 | 3D3 | Focal Plane Relay Sub-System Design & Analysis | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Draft |
HRM-00526 | 2D1 | Focal Plane Relay Sub-System MAIT Plan | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Draft |
HRM-00885 | 1D2 | ISS Thermal Stability Analysis | James Carruthers, UK ATC | Draft |