Resource Identifier |
Version |
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ESO-257872 | 1 | HARMONI (E-ELT IFU) Technical Specification | NA | Expired |
HRM-00016 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-00161 | 1 | Technical Budget Allocation | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00190 | 1 | Integral Field Spectrograph Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00200 | 1 | System Design and Analysis Report | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00201 | 1 | Not found in the Database | Not found in the Database |
Resource Identifier |
Version |
Document Name |
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HRM-00177 | 1 | IFS Cryostat Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00326 | 1 | Cryostat Compliance Matrix | Angus Gallie (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Released |
HRM-00351 | 1 | Cryostat Sub-System Reliability Information | Angus Gallie (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Obsolete |
HRM-00287 | 1 | Cryostat Sub-System Design and Analysis | Angus Gallie (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Obsolete |
HRM-00288 | 1 | Cryostat Structural and Steady State Thermal Analysis | Angus Gallie (UKATC, Edinburgh) | Released |
HRM-00178 | 1 | Pre-Optics Sub-System Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00330 | 1 | Pre-Optics Sub-System Compliance Matrix | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Released |
HRM-00337 | 1 | Pre-Optics Reliability Information | Elvio Hernandez Suarez, IAC | Released |
HRM-00329 | 1 | Pre-Otics Sub-system Design and Analysis Report | Elvio Hernandez Suarez, IAC | Released |
HRM-DWG-420000-0000 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-DWG-422000-0000 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-DWG-423000-0000 | 1 |
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HRM-DWG-428000-0000 | 1 |
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HRM-DWG-425000-0000 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-DWG-422500-0000 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-DWG-421000-0000 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-DWG-424000-0000 | 1 |
Not found in the Database but other versions of the document found click here
Other Versions found |
HRM-00179 | 1 | IFU Sub-System Requirements Specification | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |
HRM-00263 | 1 | IFU Compliance Matrix | Magali Loupias, CRAL | Released |
HRM-00261 | 1 | IFU Design and Anaysis | Magali Loupias, CRAL | Released |
HRM-00180 | 1 | Spectrograph Sub-System Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00360 | 1 | Not found in the Database | Not found in the Database |
HRM-00322 | 1 | Spectrograph Design and Analysis Report | Kieran O'Brien, Durham University | Expired |
HRM-00245 | 1 | ISDM Requirements Specification | Elizabeth George, ESO | Obsolete |
HRM-00276 | 1 | ISDM Compliance Matrix | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00278 | 1 | IR Science Detectors Reliability Information | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00280 | 1 | IR Science Detectors Sub-System Design and Analysis | Elizabeth George, ESO | Obsolete |
HRM-00246 | 1 | Visible Science Detector Module Requirements Specification | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00277 | 1 | VSDM Compliance Matrix | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00279 | 1 | VIS Science Detectors Reliability Information | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00281 | 1 | VIS Science Detectors Sub-System Design and Analysis | Elizabeth George, ESO | Released |
HRM-00182 | 1 | IFS Rotator and Wrap Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Obsolete |
HRM-00309 | 1 | IRW Sub-System Compliance Matrix | John Murray, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00289 | 1 | IFS Rotator and Wrap Design and Analysis Report | John Murray, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00362 | 1 | Not found in the Database | Not found in the Database |
HRM-DWG-420000-0000 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-4100-4200-057 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
PO55-IAM-0001 | 1 | Not found in the Database | Not found in the Database |
HRM-4100-4300-058 | 1 |
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Other Versions found |
HRM-4100-4400-059 | 1 |
Not found in the Database but other versions of the document found click here
Other Versions found |
HRM-450000-0000 | A |
Not found in the Database but other versions of the document found click here
Other Versions found |
ESO-254547 | 2 | Common Requirements for E-ELT Instruments | NA | Expired |
Resource Identifier |
Version |
Document Name |
Main Author |
Status |
More Info |
PDF Link |
HRM-00190 | 2 | Integral Field Spectrograph Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00179 | 2 | IFS Integral Field Unit Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00180 | 2 | IFS Spectrograph Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00245 | 2 | Infrared Science Detector Sub-System Requirements Specification | Hermine Schnetler, UK ATC | Released |
HRM-00200 | 1 | System Design and Analysis Report | Fraser Clarke, University of Oxford | Obsolete |